Thursday, October 8, 2015

Why do brands post the same thing on different sites?

Have you ever followed one of your favorite actors, brands or musicians and then been annoyed because they post the same information on everything?

I’m talking about the same post showing up on every social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and email.

You might have a friend who posts the same picture on Instagram and Facebook every day. That can get old pretty quickly, right?

Thankfully, I follow enough people and brands that this really isn’t an issue for me.

My feeds are full of content and I’ll generally miss the repeated messages unless I’m actively looking for them.

But that’s exactly why cross-channel promotion exists.

What is that fancy term, you might ask?

Cross-channel promotion just means the same content or message is posted on multiple platforms.

The majority of people are interested in multiple brands and only check social media during short breaks in their busy schedules.

This means that it can be harder to get someone’s attention, so brands may need to have their content or message show up multiple times for their audience to actually see and engage with it.

There is a nice summary in the Retargeter Blog which explains that users interact with the different social media platforms in different ways.

It is important to understand the unique qualities of the different platforms you have a presence on, and tailor your message for each of those platforms, to create a “far-reaching strategy that users can truly engage with.”

Another important element of promoting your content on multiple channels is to include links. 

These links can be for your accounts on other social media platforms, back to your blog or other relevant blog posts, as long as they provide a way for your followers and audience to connect and engage with you.

As Lori Pendleton stated in her blog post about cross-promotion, “you have to push [your content] out to multiple channels so it's seen by as many people as possible.”

So if you have a message that you want your followers to see, go ahead and post the same content on all your sites.

Just make sure you tailor your content to fit the individual platforms you’re posting on and include links to your content and other platforms.

Make it easy for your audience to engage with you.

About to post on Facebook,
The Purple Writer

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