Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas in December

Yes. I figured it was only fitting, seeing as my last post was about Christmas in July, to start with Christmas in it's appropriate month.

Well, before we get to any of the Christmas, holiday goodness, which I know everyone is dying to know about, I really should talk about the elephant in the room. Or, well, the lack of an elephant in the room. (May I say pegasus instead? The elephant metaphor is a bit overused.)

I haven't posted in 5 months and 7 days.
or 22 weeks and 6 days
or 160 days
or 3840 hours, give or take a few, of course.

Crazy stuff, right?
(If you want to be able to impress people with your own list of expired months/weeks/days/hours between two dates, I went here.)

Why was I absent? I'm not really sure. It's not like I had a particularly challenging semester or schedule. I guess I had just gotten burned out while doing my mini, [unpaid] writing internships, and decided I didn't want to write any more posts. That was probably it.

But, no more! The purple pegasus [referring to myself, and in no way connected to the Purple Pegasus consulting/business group] is back on the internet, and therefore very accessible from any room you happen to be in (if you have access to the world wide web, that is). What can you expect from future posts from the purple writer? I will continue talking about whatever recipes, projects, experiences, things found on the internet, etc., that I think you may be interested in. Well, at least ones that I'm interested in, and you can decide if you want to read them all or not. Your choice.

To begin with, how did I know that the term 'purple pegasus,' which just connects two of my favorite things, happens to be linked to a full-fledged company? This is how.

They even have beautiful stickers that you can buy.
That's right. LMGTFY.
Is your mind blown? (Mine was, when a friend first introduced me to lmgtfy). If someone asks you a question, instead of googling the answer for them, you can instead go through one extra step to let them know how easy it would have been for them to find the answer for themselves. Pure genius. 

You can support their genius by buying a sticker. Just one dollar for that beautiful piece of sticky paper. I know I'm tempted.

So, hopefully that was enough randomness for you, in this re-introductory blog post. I acknowledge that I'm a horrible human being for neglecting my blog for so long. But, I also acknowledge that now I have a full 230,400 minutes (give or take several minutes, of course) of content to write about. Are you excited? Because I know I am a lot more excited to be back than a normal person probably would be.

Acknowledging my strangeness in every post,

The Purple Writer

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