Sunday, May 29, 2016

Day 9: Flea Markets

I explored several of Berlin's Sunday flea markets today. 

My professor can rock the flea market style
It seems that Berlin's flea market game is pretty strong.

I went to the neighborhood flea market at Boxhagener Platz and the traditional flea market on Strasse des 17. Juni. 

Both flea markets had a wide variety of items, from souvenir trinkets to furniture.

There was a surprising amount of china and silverware piled up alongside cameras and mounds of jewelry.

It was a pretty cool experience to look through all these items from another country, comparing them to flea markets in the U.S. and interacting with the sellers from various backgrounds and differing levels of English comprehension.

I didn't take my camera, so I would have more space in my bag for my souvenirs, so I don't have many pictures to share.

I would take pictures of my flea market finds but there may or may not be items intended as gifts for people who might read this blog, so pictures would be spoilers. 

One of the coolest metal signs I found

A couple of us wanted to check out the booths set out in the Alexanderplatz square, as it looked like a mix of a fair and a flea market. 

It ended up being a children's festival, with lots of kid-oriented booths and activities, alongside lots of food booths and a very entertaining child's performer dressed in a pirate's outfit.

Excited about today's purchases,
The Purple Writer

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