Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 41: Glencoe and Oban Distillery

We drove from Fort William to Glasgow today, via Glen Coe and Oban Distillery.

Why'd we stop by Glencoe? 

Well, it's really pretty, but it was also used for the filming of several different big franchises.

What movies, you ask? Think Bravehart, Skyfall (James Bond) and Harry Potter.

After stopping for a while to walk around and take pictures, we headed on to Oban for our tour of the Oban Distillery.

It's interesting how much the city of Oban has grown up around the distillery.

Apparently, the distillery was constructed in the relative middle of nowhere, and then people realized how great a location it was (and how great the Oban whiskey was), and now there's a booming, touristy town.

The distillery doesn't have any room to expand, however, so it's pretty compressed but also super efficient.

Logan was sick so a few of us explored the center of Glasgow a bit to find a pharmacy, before having dinner and going to sleep.

Excited to have air conditioning in this Glasgow hotel,
The Purple Writer

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