Friday, June 6, 2014

All the boxes.

Literally, all of the boxes.

I have been moving, along with my mom and brother, to a new house. It is crazy.

First of all, you should understand that we had lived in our previous house since I was five years old. That's about sixteen years in a single house.
It was nice. I enjoyed the house. But now, as we have been moving out of it, I see how much stuff we have accumulated over the years. A LOT OF STUFF.

When I came back for Spring Break, I cleaned up quite a bit in the two closets in my bedroom - Yes, that's right, two closets. I stayed in the ridiculously large bedroom that we used as a guest bedroom and with the pull-down bed and my trundle bed, could house four people with minimal inconvenience. - My first two weeks home from college, I went through and either threw out, packed up, or put everything in the ginormous give-away pile.

(and that was just in the beginning stages of the piles' growth)

Moving is a healthy thing. I think it is a good plan to move every couple or five years, if for nothing else than having to go through all of your belongings and decide what you really want to keep or not.

I had a lot of stuff with me both my years at college. In fact, I rented a storage unit for this summer, so I could keep most of my college stuff there, as I didn't want the hassle of carrying it around in this move (and it would never all fit in my car in a million years).

I thought I had just about everything I needed out there in my storage unit, besides my clothes and the other few things I thought I would need to have this summer (like my computer, my comics, my Doctor Who Monopoly game, my writing beret, etc.).

I even left two of my pillow pets. That's right. I left pillow pets behind in Lubbock. I've never left them behind before. I have to be satisfied with my other three pillow pets for these three months.

But, actually, when I came back and started packing up my stuff that I had at home, I came to a realization. I have too much stuff. I don't need all this stuff. I never needed to have all of this stuff at one time. That's craziness.

So, I have gotten rid of and given away lots of stuff. Yet, there have still been plenty of boxes to move to the new house. Quite a few have already been unpacked, but there are still boxes everywhere. Boxes in the garage, boxes in the living room, boxes in my closet, boxes in my car. SO MANY BOXES

This is not even mentioning the boxes of stuff left at the house that we have been packing and moving to my dad's storage unit here in DFW. I'm glad that we have boxes, because they make moving stuff much easier, but it would be nice to not have so many around right now.

Living out of boxes,
The Purple Writer

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